Learn from Failures
Life may be full of failures. But a failure is not the end of the road. It is a delay and not a defeat. If we learn from it instead of being discouraged from it and try until we succeed then it will be termed as experience. But I must admit that life is too short to make all the mistakes and then learn from it. We should be open to learning from the mistakes of other people as well. This is a two edged sword because we need to be sure that we do not "over learn" from other people's mistake and dont take calculated risks or become passive. The best way to handle failure is:
- Admit it quickly
- Not dwell on it
- Learn from it
- Never repeat it
- Not assign blame or make excuses
A fatalistic attitude prevents people from overcoming their current situation and most of the time people believe that what will happen has to happen. Lack of effort and over believing in luck does not help matters any. Most people fail because they gave up when they were very close to success. Then we blame it on luck and our stars of making our lives the way it is.
Understanding Cause and Effect
How many times have we heard the 3rd Law of Newton and repeated it also? But do we incorporate this in our lives? Most of us do not. We just hear the law - "every action has an equal and opposite reaction", marvel at its correctness and move on. Lets stop here for a while and ponder upon this. Every person has some ambition. Ambitions are not fulfilled just by wishing. Ambition gives us the desire to sow and this desire is the begining. One cannot start to reap before sowing and has to allow for the gestation period between sowing and reaping. What we sow, we shall reap those. If we sow positivity then we get positive results and if we sow negativity then we will get negative results. It depends on what you sow.
If you sow abundantly then you will reap abundantly too. You may choose not to sow at all. But if you dont sow then weeds will grow in the open space nonetheless. There is a very common saying in Hindi - "Khali dimag shaitan ka ghar hota hai".
Another common Nature's Law is the Law of Attraction. From experience I can say that if a person is negative in nature then he or she will be attracting only negative people, negative actions and expect the worst. This is what they get too. A positive person has higher rate of success as he or she attracts positive and successful people around them. This is not to say that a positive person does not fail but the manner in which he views failure makes the difference.
Plan, Prepare and Act - Consistency and Discipline
Having ambition and goals lend pupose to life. Fulfilling of ambition requires planning to achieve the ambition. One should have some plan of action for achieving the ambition or the goal. Planning leads to preparing for the activities leading to the goal or ambition. Preparation gives confidence. Winners put pressure on preparation and not worry about winning. If they fail the first time, then they will learn from it, modify their plan of action, and proceed on towards achieving the goal again. Preparation means tolerating failure but not accepting it.
Preparation requires a lot of self sacrifice and discipline. People without discipline try to do everything, but commit themselves to nothing. This is called freedom by many liberal thinkers. Discipline takes a lot of self control, sacrifice and avoiding distractions and temptations. Discipline narrows down the focus and helps us to stay focussed. Discipline will lend consistency and push us towards our ambition a little further everytime.
Shive Khera writes in his book - "When people lack purpose or direction, they see no oppurtunity. If a person has the desire to accomplish something, knows the direction to move to achieve his objective, has the dedication to stay focussed, and has the discpline to put in hard work, then success follows. But if you dont have purpuose or direction, it does not matter what else you have, you won't succeed"
Dont look for easy tasks or miracles. Oppurtunities comes with bundled with obstacles. Obstacles need to be overcome with courage. After overcoming them, look at what is left rather than what is lost. Wishes dont come true; beliefs and expectations supported by convictions do. Luck and prayers support courageous actions. Courage gives us the strength ot overcome our fears and obstacles.
The points stated here are the extension of the points stated in the previous article. Most of the things that I have penned down today are alreeady known to he ready. But knowing the points does not mean that the principles have been applied in real life. Please extend your comments about the article and feel free to let me know if I missed out on some point.
I would like to again state to the reader that this article is influenced by the Books of Shiv Khera.